Comment policy

Comments moderation

Published the: 2th of june 2021

This policy includes the terms and conditions governing the publication of comments on, which users must follow.

Comments content

The administrator of reserves the right to monitor or moderate the comments posted on the website Users must meet the following conditions in order to publish a comment. In the event of non-compliance with the aspects set in this policy, the administrator may decide not to publish, remove and/or delete the user's comment considered inappropriate, without granting the user any right to compensation.

Comments and posts should be made in clear and respectful language. In any case, users agree to make comments related to the specific publication, in the form of relevant and substantiated contributions. Comments will not be allowed when they:

  • Include advertising of products or services.
  • Include obscene, offensive or degrading comments, of a religious, sexual, political, racial or other nature that may affect the dignity and rights of users.
  • Promuevan descalificaciones, insultos, inciten al delito mediante acusaciones, calumnias o injurias o resulten atentatorios para el derecho al honor y a la propia imagen.
  • Promote disqualification, insults, incite crime through accusations, defamation or insults, or are threatening to the right to the honor and self-image.
  • Contain spam or protected information from other websites whose main author has not consented to its publication.
  • Images, videos or content that violates current regulations.
  • Contain wrong links or URLs.
  • Provide information or personal data of third party users without their consent.
  • For the type of content, the type of language, form of expression or other characteristic of the publication, they may be considered inappropriate or offensive.

Withdrawal of comments and user blocking

As provided in this Policy, the administrator may proceed to the immediate withdrawal and removal of commentary that violates any of the issues outlined here. Likewise, in those cases in which repeated misuse of the platform by the user is detected, the administrator may block the account of said user so that he / she cannot post any more comments on the web.

Responsibility of the user

The user agrees to respect the entire content of this policy and to make appropriate use of and publish, in accordance with the detailed conditions, suitable and respectful comments. In any case, the user will be considered solely responsible for the content and references made in its publication, leaving exonerated of any responsibility in this regard.